"A French Christmas: Festive Tales for a Joyeux Noël" is a collection of French Christmas stories published by Vintage Classics on October 3, 2024. This anthology features works from renowned authors such as Guy de Maupassant, Alphonse Daudet, Irène Némirovsky, Dominique Fabre, and Jean-Philippe Blondel. The stories capture the essence of a French Christmas, depicting sparkling Parisian streets, opulent feasts, wandering orphans, kindly monks, oysters, bonbons, flickering desire, and more than a little wine. The collection has been praised for its refreshing originality and variety, making it a delightful read for the festive season.
Hardback, 208 p.
"A French Christmas: Festive Tales for a Joyeux Noël" is a collection of French Christmas stories published by Vintage Classics on October 3, 2024. This anthology features works from renowned authors such as Guy de Maupassant, Alphonse Daudet, Irène Némirovsky, Dominique Fabre, and Jean-Philippe Blondel. The stories capture the essence of a French Christmas, depicting sparkling Parisian streets, opulent feasts, wandering orphans, kindly monks, oysters, bonbons, flickering desire, and more than a little wine. The collection has been praised for its refreshing originality and variety, making it a delightful read for the festive season.
Hardback, 208 p.